Introducing… The Cast!

The Queen Bee, Me: I suspect this is a cast member who will be featured most prominently in the blog (eye roll: ye-aahh, its my blog). I am in my mid-twenties and live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I am a marketing professional and aside from work I love to travel, cook, read and chill with friends. Off late, most of my free time is being spent on researching and coordinating wedding stuff. I grew up in Hyderabad and that’s where most of my family lives and I will always be a Hyderabadi at heart 🙂

The Guy: He is the fiance and he lives and works in the Bay Area. He works in marketing too and is very passionate about his work, food, basketball, movies and most recently, Xbox games :-/ The only work he is currently doing for the wedding is working out and he gives me the stink eye when I talk anything exciting about the wedding! Nevertheless, I am relentless and I hope he will start showing some real interest soon!

The Parents & Sis: The fun, quirky set who are the real strength behind the wedding (also, the real sponsors ;))! They live in Hyderabad and are currently taking care of all the behind-the-scenes work. I am so grateful to all that they’re doing to me and can’t wait to see them in November. Love them to bits!

The Bandwagon: The entire jolly set of all my cousins and friends from all over the world! They add the zing to my life and I know that they will do their best to do the same at the wedding events!

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